Litteraturtips från forskarna
Litteraturtips utöver Mistra Sport & Outdoors egna publikationer
Allmänt om idrott, friluftsliv och miljö
- Friluftshistoria – från `härdande friluftslif´ till ekoturism och miljöpedagogik: Teman i det svenska friluftslivets historia
- Friluftsliv 2018. Nationell undersökning om svenska folkets friluftsvanor
- Friluftsliv i förändring
- Friluftssport och äventyrsidrott
- Idrottsvetenskap: En introduktion
- Pathways - Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage
- Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment
- Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies
- Sveriges miljömål
- The position and relevance of sport studies: an introduction
- What Next for Sustainable Development?
Kunskap och omvandling
- Barnkonventionen och föreningsidrotten - en handbok för idrottsledare
- Equalize It!: ‘Sportification’ and the Transformation of Gender Boundaries in Emerging Swedish Women’s Football, 1966–1999
- Re-thinking pedagogical content knowledge for physical education teachers – implications for physical education teacher education
- The ‘physiologization’ of skiing: the lab as an obligatory passage point for elite athletes?
- The value of movement content knowledge in the training of Australian PE teachers: perceptions of teacher educators
Hållbara transportlösningar
- Building a Multimodal Urban Network Model Using OpenStreetMap Data for the Analysis of Sustainable Accessibility
- Disparities in travel times between car and transit: Spatiotemporal patterns in cities
- Patterns of co-presence: Spatial configuration and social segregation
- Proximity changes to what and for whom? Investigating sustainable accessibility change in the Gothenburg city region 1990–2014
- Rumslig gestaltning och sociala processer: Skolor som förmedlare av samhällelig närvaro
- Street Interaction and Social Inclusion
- Street Network Studies: From Networks to Models and their Representations
- Understanding Sustainable Accessibility in Urban Planning: Themes of Consensus, Themes of Tension
- Usability of Accessibility Instruments in Regional Planning: The Case of Labour Markets and Daily Commuting in the Food Sector in Västra Götaland, Sweden
Hållbar användning av mark och vatten
- A Social-Ecological Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Two Different Farming Systems
- Assessing nature’s contributions to people
- Balancing diversity and connectivity in multi-level governance settings for urban transformative capacity
- Enabling Green and Blue Infrastructure to Improve Contributions to Human Well-Being and Equity in Urban Systems
- Mapping Bundles of Ecosystem Services Reveals Distinct Types of Multifunctionality within a Swedish Landscape
- Reshaping the outdoors through education: exploring the potentials and challenges of ecological restoration education
- Stewardship in Urban Landscapes
- The intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
- Tourism, Health, Wellbeing and Protected Areas
- Understanding recreational landscapes. Developing a knowledge base on outdoor recreation monitoring in Swedish coastal and marine areas
Hållbara evenemang
- A Research Agenda for Event Management
- An Event Quality Scale for Participatory Running Events
- Bridging outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism in a commercial context : Insights from the Swedish service providers
- Commensurability and sustainability: Triple impact assessments of a tourism event
- Commercialization of nature through tourism
- Event evaluation : Definitions, concepts and a state of the art review
- FLYGRESORNA OCH KLIMATET-Utsläppsminskningar och acceptans för klimatsmartare alternativ
- Nature as a commercial setting : the case of nature-based tourism providers in Sweden
- Socio-Economic Impacts of Major Sports Events : An Analysis of the 2019 Alpine and Biathlon World Championships in Sweden
- The event experience, hedonic and eudaimonic satisfaction and subjective well-being among sport event participants
Beteenden, styrmedel och utveckling
- Besök och besökare i fjällen – Resultat från en undersökning avseende svenskarnas fritidsaktiviteter i fjällen, besök i olika fjällområden, landskapsrelationer, fjällen i sociala medier, upplevelser av vindkraft och attityder till skyddad natur
- Building the slow adventure brand
- Contextualizing the complexities of managing alternative tourism at the community level: A case study of a nordic eco-village
- Dancing with cranes: a humanist perspective on cultural ecosystem services for wetlands
- Dagens miljömål och framtidens fjällupplevelser– Iakttagelser av aktivitetsmönster, landskaps- relationer och kommunikationsformer
- Defining, measuring, monitoring, and managing the sustainability of parks for outdoor recreation. Journal of park and recreation administration
- Enhancing Accessibility in Tourism & Outdoor Recreation: A Review of Major Research Themes and a Glance at Best Practice
- From partnerships to networks: New approaches for measuring U.S. National Heritage Area effectiveness
- Greenland’s tourism policymaking and the risk of overtourism
- Instagramming nature-based tourism experiences: a netnographic study of online photography and value creation
- Nascent island tourism policy development in Greenland: A network perspective
- New challenges for managing sustainable tourism in protected areas: An exploratory study of the European Landscape Convention in Sweden
- Obstacles to achieving cross-border tourism governance: A multi-scalar approach focusing on the German-Czech borderlands
- Tourism, nature and sustainability: A review of policy instruments in the Nordic countries
- Toward landscape-scale stewardship and development : A theoretical framework of United States National Heritage Areas
- Undersökning bland besökare i södra Jämtlandsfjällen sommaren 2013